Sunday, December 1, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Updated sermon mp3s

Just thought I'd mention that I'm trying to get caught up on the sermon mp3s I uploaded 5 new ones today.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Page on the site for audio recordings of sermons

Hey just thought I'd let you all know about a new page on the Watson Baptist Church website where we will be uploading the church sermons every week by Pastor Tom Beutler! Check it out! Got some of the Watson Kids singing on there as well. :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tammy Oakes Benefit Tonight!

The Watson Community Outreach of the Watson Baptist Church will have a benefit for Tammy Oakes on March 2nd - that's Tonight folks! Fish & Chicken Fry beginning at 5 PM. There will be a drawing for a rifle & quilt, which we are selling tickets for followed by an auction of donated goods. If you have nice auction items that you would like to donate, please notify Samantha Tanner, Gib Holmes, Tom & jenny Beutler, Susan Long, AB McMahon or any of the family. Raffle tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5, 15 for $10 or 35 for $20. I'm (Scott Holmes) donating a portrait session from Scott Holmes Photography, and offering free ink art on the Jim Cook bow. Please come out and show your support!